1700 Conversion Chart

Military Time 24 Hour Time Regular Time
1701 17:01 5:01 PM
1702 17:02 5:02 PM
1703 17:03 5:03 PM
1704 17:04 5:04 PM
1705 17:05 5:05 PM
1706 17:06 5:06 PM
1707 17:07 5:07 PM
1708 17:08 5:08 PM
1709 17:09 5:09 PM
1710 17:10 5:10 PM
1711 17:11 5:11 PM
1712 17:12 5:12 PM
1713 17:13 5:13 PM
1714 17:14 5:14 PM
1715 17:15 5:15 PM
1716 17:16 5:16 PM
1717 17:17 5:17 PM
1718 17:18 5:18 PM
1719 17:19 5:19 PM
1720 17:20 5:20 PM
1721 17:21 5:21 PM
1722 17:22 5:22 PM
1723 17:23 5:23 PM
1724 17:24 5:24 PM
1725 17:25 5:25 PM
1726 17:26 5:26 PM
1727 17:27 5:27 PM
1728 17:28 5:28 PM
1729 17:29 5:29 PM
1730 17:30 5:30 PM
1731 17:31 5:31 PM
1732 17:32 5:32 PM
1733 17:33 5:33 PM
1734 17:34 5:34 PM
1735 17:35 5:35 PM
1736 17:36 5:36 PM
1737 17:37 5:37 PM
1738 17:38 5:38 PM
1739 17:39 5:39 PM
1740 17:40 5:40 PM
1741 17:41 5:41 PM
1742 17:42 5:42 PM
1743 17:43 5:43 PM
1744 17:44 5:44 PM
1745 17:45 5:45 PM
1746 17:46 5:46 PM
1747 17:47 5:47 PM
1748 17:48 5:48 PM
1749 17:49 5:49 PM
1750 17:50 5:50 PM
1751 17:51 5:51 PM
1752 17:52 5:52 PM
1753 17:53 5:53 PM
1754 17:54 5:54 PM
1755 17:55 5:55 PM
1756 17:56 5:56 PM
1757 17:57 5:57 PM
1758 17:58 5:58 PM
1759 17:59 5:59 PM


The military time works on a 24 hour calculator. It begins at midnight, which is called 0000 hours. It does not have separators (such as colons). So if the time is 5:00 PM, it will be called 1700 hours in military time. If you want to convert regular time in military time or vice versa, you can use a military time convertor. Or you can use a military time chart. A military time chart can help you convert the time accurately.


Converting military time to regular time and vice versa is pretty simple. 1730 will become 5:30 PM, and 1400 will become 2:00 PM. Similarly, 8:00 AM will become 0800 hours. If you think converting military time is difficult, you can use a military clock convertor or a chart. With a convertor, you can easily convert military time to regular time (or the other way around). So if you want to decode the message, “the truck will cross the defense area at 1300 hours”, it’ easy – it would be 1:00 PM.


For daily activities, military professionals use local time. However, for operational duties, they have to coordinate with the bases. To avoid confusion, the army personnel sometimes use GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to adjust their clocks. Military clock conversion or military time chart is usually followed to convert between the time formats. Military time conversion chart minutes can help you accurately convert time notations.